I have been thinking about the weather in Seattle and how it has shifted from being an unpredictable and beautiful city to one that seems to get very cold and unpredictable, causing some of the best weather in the Pacific Northwest each December. Seattle's weather can be harsh, but even if you never experience it yourself, you can...
The club carro is the best of the best. It’s simple to make, and it’s affordable. The best part about the club carro is that you can make it to almost any event while also adding a different color to your outfit and decor. The club carro is best served by a couple of rules the same as...
I know that we all have our favorites, but there are a few types of people who drive for a living and live in areas that are very different from where they live. People who live near the ocean versus those who live in the high desert. These are all great. People who drive fast versus those...
This is the first of my two posts here at jackie earle haley shutter island. I'm excited to share another post with you that explores some of the things I love about my island. I'm also excited to share another post with you, but this one is more about my favorite places. Hahaha, this one is about my...
beach club
The dune deck club is my way to get to the beach and get some great sunsets! I love the idea of a beach-themed beach club that features a different theme and is as close to a beach as possible. The dune deck club is not a beach club but a game where you build some great beach-themed...
Our brains are like the gears of a car. They’re very powerful, and they’re very efficient. But like the gears, they can’t do everything all at once. Sometimes it takes a bit of time before they get the job done. And while our brains have their own routines, our thought processes are all driven by unconscious, involuntary...
Playa Miami, Florida is the newest and most expensive beach resort in the country. The resort itself is located on the shores of the Intracoastal Waterway in Miami, Florida. There are no resorts in the entire Miami metropolitan area, but the Playa is a very popular and busy place for tourists. Playa Miami is also known as the...
web series
If you are having issues with the kapil sharma web series, I am sure you will have some questions. If you aren’t sure about the site, I have found it very helpful. I will also try to be more specific. Kapil sharma is a channeler who channeled the spirit of the late-1990s and early 2000s Indian film director...
hotel pools
The Palm Springs resort pool is a must-see for anyone looking for a summer retreat. It’s large enough for a family to swim, and the view from the top is spectacular. The pools aren't the only draw for guests, though. There are several pools for adults that are designed for kids, and they're so well planned, they may...
The weather in March was beautiful. I love the snow, but I love the sunshine more. When it is warmer (or cooler), I love it more. March is a great month to have a “free” weekend and I get to sit in the sunshine a lot. The weather in March is beautiful. I love the snow, but I...