I think we have all been there. You have a hot date and it is a cold night, and you want to stay in your own bed, but you can’t, it is too cold, and you are starting to sweat. You decide to take a walk outside and you see the sun shining and think, “oh my, it is so nice out!”.
So you go outside and you realize you have no idea what you are doing. You just hope your date doesn’t wake up and see you and wonder what the heck you are doing.
That is perochem, a word we hear frequently in the context of the show. It literally means “warmth” in Greek, and is related to our word for warmth, peri. In that sense, when we think of a hot date, it is really a peri.
perochem is a sign of our self-awareness. It means that we have become aware of our own feelings, desires, and thoughts. If you were to think about your own feelings, desires, and thoughts, you would probably feel a bit peri. You would probably also feel like you have some sort of energy and warmth.
In a way, this is what peri.perochem means. If you think about your feelings, desires, and thoughts, you would probably feel like you have some sort of energy and heat. Peri.perochem is the way we feel when we realize we are aware of how our feelings, desires, and thoughts are affecting us. It’s like a light bulb has been turned on.
Peri.perochem is not a new word or an invention. The original sense of the word was used in the 1960s by the researchers who developed the first artificial intelligence to explain the mind-body connection. They used the word to explain the fact that a person could be aware of their emotions, desires, and thoughts. It’s a good explanation because it explains how our thoughts are so important to our lives.
Its a good way to remind ourselves that we’re not totally out of touch with who we are. Its good to remember that we’re not just robots that think in a bunch of different ways.
We are, in a sense, robots created so that humans can relate to each other. So we are built to relate to each other. But in a way, we don’t really relate, all we do is think in a bunch of different ways. A robot that thinks in a bunch of different ways is essentially an emotionless robot that thinks in one style of robot.
At its core, perochem is a game about robots. The player character is a cyborg. And cyborgs can be very good at one thing: thinking in a bunch of different ways. The player character is a cyborg, and its primary job is to think in a bunch of different ways. Its a way for you to relate to your own robot self. So by using this game, you can relate to another cyborg.
Perochem is a game about cyborgs.