This page is dedicated to the English language. We don’t know what it says about us, but it’s nice to know. The idea, that most of our thoughts and actions are on autopilot, is a nice reminder that we are not that far from this place in the U.S. in reality.
And, we have the same feelings about the U.S. as we do about other places. We have very strong feelings about the way things are, and the way they should be. Our reality is so different from the way people back home think it should be. In fact, we often say things back home that make them feel like we’re living in a different reality from them.
We’re on autopilot here, and this is a good reminder. Just because we think we’re doing “the right thing” doesn’t mean we’re doing it. We have the same feelings about the U.S. as we do about other places.
That’s why it’s important to talk to people back home. It can be hard, but not impossible for you to be able to have a conversation with someone from the US. If you’re not a citizen, don’t feel obligated. You don’t have to tell them about US life or customs; they’ll probably understand. But if you are a citizen, it helps to show your interest and respect for the country. People back home probably have a lot of things to share about America.
The thing I like best about the U.S. is that I have a lot of friends that are not citizens, but still feel a certain way about it. They don’t get to visit the same places I do, or the stores I shop at, or the movies I go to. I love it, because I get to learn about it from them.
America is an interesting place – it’s such a diverse place, with so many cultures and so many ways of thinking and being. The problem is that when you go abroad, you don’t really get the chance to get to know people who aren’t part of your own culture. With an open mind, you should be able to make such connections. You can talk and be friendly with people from other countries, but you really should try to get to know people from your own country too.
I’ve made some good friends from my travels around the world, and I’ve met some really nice people who are part of my own country. But it’s a struggle because my native language is not English. When you meet people, you get to know them (and they get to know you). But when you’re travelling, you dont really get to know how they think and what they want.
I think the best way to get to know a person is to actually be that person. So if you want to get to know someone and theyre not English, then you need to actually be them. You need to be able to communicate with them. But theyre not you, so you need to learn how they think and what they want.
In Latin America, this is called “cultural exchange.” A person who wants to go to Argentina and study in Buenos Aires, for example, can do so by asking someone who is a regular there. But in Latin America, the person who is going to Buenos Aires and studying in Buenos Aires is a tourist, not a person who has any desire to live there.
The point is, the more you can communicate with people who aren’t you, the closer you can get to them and the better you get to know them. In this case, the person who is going to Buenos Aires and studying is not you, so you need to learn how they think and what they want.