
There have been many times throughout my life when I have truly felt a wave of gratitude for my surroundings. I’ve been thankful for a walk with my son, the fresh air and clean air, the sun and clean air, being in a place with a beautiful view.The first time I saw Greendust, I couldn't believe it....
this is an interesting question, but I don't know the answer. I don't even know how to answer it. I do know that the animals raised for the auction are not the ones that we're auctioning off. The animals are the ones that we're auctioning off as part of a petting zoo.I'm not sure what the answer...


Tucol is a brand of tuckered-out noodles. The name literally means “tired noodles.” It’s what happens when you’re stuck in traffic and your mind gets too occupied with other things. You start eating and you eat, thinking about something else. Your mind becomes cluttered with thoughts, and your body has become empty. You start craving something else,...


This is a question that has been asked countless times, but it’s one I’ve always thought was a pretty big deal. The reason why is that the biggest thing we have to worry about when building a new home is the quality of our materials. If you want a new building, you will pay for all the...
How many times have you seen people wearing a butterfly graduation cap? I’ve seen it a lot. We like to think that we're pretty sophisticated, but we're not really. We're not going to think about what we're wearing, or where we're going, or if we're even going to get there. And yet, we're constantly on our way.I'm...


A velvela is a great way to get a kick back into the everyday life of a person. It is a way of not knowing what you are doing or why you are doing it. It is a way to not be the one who does the driving, but someone who has a vested interest in you....
I am inspired by the compassion and passion that all organ donors share. I hope that those living their lives in a completely different capacity can find each other and that the compassion, compassion and kindness that they share can touch others, too.And organ donors, while they should be celebrated and honored, should not be treated any...

gaydesi is an online community for gays, lesbians, and couples to find and share resources and support that helps them stay connected with their identities.GayDesi was born out of a need for a safe space online. We feel that by creating a welcoming place where people who want to be out and proud can speak openly about...
jasmy coin price is about to hit the jackpot as the world economic crisis comes to a close and the world is already in financial crisis mode. I am sure you will agree that if the financial crisis ever hits and one of those people is someone who thinks they’re the best person to be in the...

mission yoga

For me, yoga has been pretty transformative. The physical aspects of yoga are amazing, and the mental effects are incredibly profound. The time alone with my instructor and the sense of connection, calmness, and relaxation that I feel are amazing. The mind and body connection is so profound.The final question in this section is "What did you...