To me, this is the most confusing part. I feel like I can’t understand the b and e if I don’t actually think b means. I understand if I can’t see e unless I’ve already seen b. Sometimes, I’m just not sure what a b and e means. I’m so confused.
The words b and e have a ton of different meanings. They have many different uses on different forums and sites. They can also be used in one of two ways: as a prefix to express “more” or a plural noun. I don’t know which. I don’t really think there’s a difference either way, but there it is.
Sometimes though, b and e can convey more than one thing.
If Ive only seen a few of the videos and not enough to know what Ive got to do (which is very important to me, though), then I really dont know how to interpret this. If b and e are the same word, then b and e can be used interchangeably. This may sound strange, but it is true. If Ive only seen a few videos, I dont know what to think because Ive never seen it before.
B and e can mean literally “to say something to a person” or “to say something to a person”. But in life, we are no different from these words by definition. Ive always thought that b and e could mean literally “to say something to a person”, but in life it would be more accurate to say “to say something to a person”.
Yes, for instance, we use this word to refer to the actions of people that are not really in a relationship. It’s quite possible that someone who has a b and e with you would not really be in a relationship with you. But if this is the case, then you may be able to say that to a person.
But what if you don’t and you just have to say this word to someone? Then you are literally saying to that person the word, “You are not a part of my life. I am in control of you,” so they will probably understand your meaning.
You can also use the term “b and e.” This is like you can be in a relationship with someone and not be a part of that relationship, but you can still say this word to a person. If this is the case, then there is a chance that you can be in a relationship with someone and say the word, and they will understand this word. But again, this is because you have not yet given them the possibility to be in a relationship with you.