large bamboo rat is a large, thin, Asian-like rodent that has a tuft of hair on top of its head. It is a good food source for many animals, and is a favorite of mine.

I had this one in my home for a while before I realised that it lived in a bamboo. I think I got it after seeing some cute pictures of bamboo rats online.

This is a good one. You could feed a lot of mice and rats with this small, thin, Asian, rat. The small size and the fact that it lives in a bamboo means that they are easy to find. Also the fact that it lives outside the house means that they don’t really have to be in the house, so it can be a bit more discreet if you’re planning on eating them.

The idea is that you can get a small, cheap rat (usually around $2) from a good supplier. But that supplier is just a small part of the rat’s story. The smaller size and the fact that the rat lives outside the house means that they dont really have to be in the house, so it can be a bit more discreet if youre planning on eating them.

The idea is that you can get a small, cheap rat usually around 2 from a good supplier. But that supplier is just a small part of the rats story. The smaller size and the fact that the rat lives outside the house means that they dont really have to be in the house, so it can be a bit more discreet if youre planning on eating them.

The reason for this is simple: The rats are on a diet. So since they are so small you dont need to worry about attracting attention to the house. They only need to be in the house for a very small amount of time, so you can leave them outside for that period of time, and then bring them inside when you’re ready to eat them.

The rats are also a common pest to people who live in the same house as them, so you dont have to worry about it being noticed. The rats are also a common pest to people who live in the same house as them, so you dont have to worry about it being noticed.

Some people complain that rats are very loud and jump around, especially at night, but you never know if the rats are trying to kill you or not. The rats are also a common pest to people who live in the same house as them, so you dont have to worry about it being noticed. The rats are also a common pest to people who live in the same house as them, so you dont have to worry about it being noticed.

The bamboo rat is an animal native to Southeast Asia, and the majority of the world’s bamboo forests are found in Southeast Asia. You see them in the form of bamboo rats all the time: the small brown and black ones are known as “small bamboo rats” and the big brown and black ones are known as “big bamboo rats.

It is a large brown and black rat with white on its head, and it is the biggest rodent that there is. The large bamboo rat is native to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, and Indonesia, and it is sometimes called the “Chinese rat.” The big brown and black rat, or the “Lions paw,” is native to Thailand and is known for eating cats.


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