I remember a time when I was just starting out. And honestly, I can’t believe that it’s been so long. Maybe you’ve been following me for a while, and you’ve noticed that I don’t really post pictures as often as I used to. I’m probably just a better blogger now, I guess.

I feel like the reason is that it feels like Ive been doing it for so long. I had been drawing pictures for a while, and then I started doing them more as an outlet for my art. But I still remember when I started blogging there were so many people who said they had the same problem I did. I remember them coming to me a few times and asking me to tell them how to draw, when I was just starting out.

That is why I am so grateful for any art that can be posted on this blog. It shows that there is so much out there. I just keep thinking that I can’t keep going to the same gallery for the same paintings.

I keep a stack of art books on the bookshelf. I love the fact that they are labeled with the artist and the date, and when I go through and look at them, I always find something new that I just hadn’t seen before. It is like getting a whole new set of eyes on your work. Now the only thing I have to do is hope that I can get a new gallery to pick up my work.

This is the same thing as you have, except the artists are listed alphabetically. I guess you’ve found your new gallery.


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