The anbumani ramadoss is a Sanskrit word which literally means “the three modes of awareness.” These are the most basic of the three categories of awareness — the awake, dreamy, and deep sleep states.
We’ve been using it for the past couple of years as a more succinct way of describing our internal mental states. And as you can imagine, it also pretty accurately describes the state of awareness that comes with sleep. It’s what you wake up from to fall asleep, and it’s what you go to sleep from to wake up.
In the early days of The Twilight Zone, I was in awe of the characters that were actually built for a TV show, and I loved the storyline. It was so well-written and so realistic that I didn’t even need to worry about the plot. It was a fascinating story but I never made it to the end.
The end of The Twilight Zone ended up being one of the most epic stories ever, but it was also one of the saddest. The final scene felt like the sun had been set behind the sky and the stars were gone. Our favorite character, Walter Wilcox, was in the middle of the night, a broken man who was left to die alone. I was only able to watch the last few minutes because I was asleep, but I will always remember the way Walter looked during the night.
The last scene had a few subtle hints about what was going to happen next. The moon was supposed to rise in the morning, but the sun was set behind the moon and it was dark. The sun was the brightest light in the sky and it was shining down on the water. It was shining down on the water that Walter was trying to drown. Then the sun was gone and no one could see Walter, but Walter looked like he was in the middle of the ocean.
While it’s not a big jump from the last scene to the next, the last scene has a subtle hint that this is in fact the next scene and the next scene has a subtle hint that this is the first scene in the second movie.